In the past, the cloth weaving mill Thanscheidt was situated here.It was shut down at the beginning of the 1960s. Starting in 1962, the furniture company Rosing was housed on this site, but they moved their storagerooms to Gelsenkirchen.

( Photo: Kettwiger Museums- und Geschichtsfreunde e.V. / Bürgermeister-Fiedler-Platz 1-3, 45219 Essen, Germany)
The electric motor factory VEM / Dresden, formerly Wittenbecher and Co., moved their company premises from Essen to Kettwig around 1977. Wittenbecher and Co. startet off with a completely new development on the Ringstraße. Only the administration building still reminded of bygone times. The company invested more than 1.5 million DM and declared itself as autonomous and independent representative of the engine works of the GDR/German Democratic Republic. The former brick building got the smooth facade during the reconstruction. Also windows were assembled when starting with the construction of individual office entrances.
The company supplied electrical drive equipment worldwide consisting of transformers, frequency converters and power converters as well as drives for motors. While Hall K was used as a workshop for the repair of production goods, Hall 1 served as a warehouse with several aisles and high shelves. The advantage of Hall 1 was that whole trucks could drive into the hall to be loaded and unloaded.
The vehicles drove through a roller door at the front main entrance directly onto the opremises. In 1982 Halls 2 and 3 were builtand were used as shipping area and quality assurance. In 2012, Boris Gooran bought the land and GOORAN GmbH moved into Halls K + 1.